Eesti keeles
Morphological categories

Morphological categories

Various different systems of morpho-syntactic categories are used for Estonian. There are two reasons for this: first, a linguist may prefer a certain grammatical tradition, which in turn may be tied to the traditions of concrete "model" languages, and which may change over time; and second, the language used in a corpus may force one to modify the system of categories: to add new ones or to give up theoretical distinctions which are hard to maintain in practice.

The following systems will be considered below:

Square brackets in the CG and UD columns denote category values that are in free variation.

In addition to morphosyntactic categories, UD has also categories for other phenomena:

Parts of speech

Parts of speech and morphological/lexical features are formally independent in UD. For example, if a word is part of a named entity, then its part-of-speech tag might be PROPN, while other features remain unchanged, e.g. Teine (the Second) might be PROPN NumForm=Word NumType=Ord

part of speechsub-typeexampleFS, GTCGgiellaltUD
adjectivepositive kallis, ehtAA posAADJ Degree=Pos
adjectivecomparative laiem CA compA Comp ADJ Degree=Cmp
adjectivesuperlative pikim UA super A Superl ADJ Degree=Sup
noun common asi SS Com N NOUN
noun proper Edgar HS prop N Prop PROPN
adverb kõrvuti D DAdv ADV
interjection tere I IInterjINTJ
conjunctioncoordinating ja J J crdCC CCONJ
conjunctionsubordinating et J J subCS SCONJ
adposition preposition enne KK pre Adp ADP AdpType=Prep
adposition postposition kaudu KK post Adp ADP AdpType=Post
numeral cardinal kaks NN card Num Card NUM NumType=[Card, Frac, Range]
numeral ordinal teine ON ord Num Ord ADJ NumType=Ord
pronoun personal tema PP persPron PRON PronType=Prs Person=[1,2,3]
pronoun demonstartive selline PP demPron PRON PronType=Dem
pronoun indefinite mingi PP indefPron PRON PronType=Ind
pronoun possessiiv oma PP posPron PRON PronType=Prs Poss=Yes
pronoun interrogative milline PP interPron PRON PronType=Int
pronoun siduv kumb PP relPron PRON PronType=Rel
pronoun reflexive ise PP reflPron PRON PronType=Prs Reflex=Yes
pronoun reciprocal teineteise PP recPron PRON PronType=Rcp Reflex=Yes
pronoun determinal emb-kumb PP detPron PRON PronType=Tot
verbmain lugema VV main V VERB
verbauxiliary olema VV aux V AUX
verbmodal saama VV mod V AUX
genitive atribute 1 dooria GG N Sg Gen NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen
determiner seeP P [dem, indef, det, inter, rel] Pron DET PronType=[Dem, Ind, Tot, Int, Rel]
specific to "Väike vormisõnastik"
verb particle 2 plehku XX Adv ADV
for corpus tagging
acronym USA YY nominal ACR [PROPN, NOUN] Abbr=Yes
abbreviation a, nn, jne, vt YY nominal ABBR [NOUN, ADJ, ADV, VERB] Abbr=Yes
punctuationclause boundary , Z ZCLB PUNCT
punctuationleft of the pairwise ( Z ZPUNCT LEFT PUNCT
punctuationright of the pairwise ) Z ZPUNCT RIGHT PUNCT
punctuation - Z ZPUNCTPUNCT
symbol 3 @ Y Y nominalN Symbol SYM
symbol 3 Y Y nominalN Symbol SYM Abbr=Yes
emoticon 4 :-) Y, Z ZN Symbol SYM
unanalyzable 5 (%¤¤(/ #### TX
specific to (net)speak corpora
sentence particle sry, BPART
word piece -sid QX
emoticon 4 :-) ESYM

1 Genitive attribute is a proper noun in the genitive case that is written in lowercase, because it has generalized into representing a type or kind, e.g. dooria (sammas).

2 Verb particle is a non-verbal constituent of a multi-word verb, having no part-of-speech tag in "Väike vormisõnastik", e.g. luuslanki (lööma)

3 Symbol is a single non-alpha-numerical character or character sequence that acts as a syntactic constituent in a sentence.

4 Emoticons are handled inconsistently by different taggers and in corpora.

5 A word may be unanalyzable because of foreign language, sequence of symbols, typo etc.

Punctuation in corpora

Corpus tagging usually involves separating punctuation marks from the words and giving them analyses of their own. Usually punctuation marks do not get individual special category names, but CG singles out the following ones:

ellips ...Ell
short ellips..Els
question mark?Int
exclamation mark!Exc
opening parenthesis(Opr
closing parenthesis)Cpr
quotation mark"Quo
opening quotation mark «Oqu
closing quotation mark»Cqu
smaller than<Grt
greater than>Sml
opening square bracket[Osq
closing square bracket]Csq


Grammatical categories

GT, giellalt FSCGUD
arv ||| number
Sg ainsus singularsgsgNumber=Sing
Pl mitmus pluralplplNumber=Plur
kääne ||| case
Nom nimetavnominativennomCase=Nom
Gen omastav genitiveggenCase=Gen
Par osastavpartitiveppartCase=Par
Ill sisseütlev illativeillillCase=Ill
suunduv (lühike sisseütlev)additiveadtaditCase=Add
Ine seesütlevinessiveininCase=Ine
Ela seestütlevelativeelelCase=Ela
All alaleütlevallativeallallCase=All
Ade alalütlevadessiveadeadCase=Ade
Abl alaltütlevablativeablablCase=Abl
Tra saavtranslativetrtrCase=Tra
Trm rajavterminativetertermCase=Ter
Ess olevessiveesesCase=Ess
Abe ilmaütlevabessiveababesCase=Abe
Com kaasaütlevcomitativekomkomCase=Com


GT, giellaltexample FSCGUDGT, giellaltexample FSCGUD
Sg Nom part, majasg nsg nomNumber=Sing Case=NomPl Nompardid, majadpl npl nomNumber=Plur Case=Nom
Sg Gen pardi, majasg gsg genNumber=Sing Case=GenPl Genpartide, majadepl gpl genNumber=Plur Case=Gen
Sg Par parti, majasg psg partNumber=Sing Case=ParPl Parparte, majupl ppl partNumber=Plur Case=Par
Sg Ill parti, majjaadtsg aditNumber=Sing Case=Add
Sg Ill pardisse, majassesg illsg illNumber=Sing Case=IllPl Illpartidesse, majadessepl illpl illNumber=Plur Case=Ill
Sg Ine pardis, majassg insg inNumber=Sing Case=InePl Inepartides, majadespl inpl inNumber=Plur Case=Ine
Sg Ela pardist, majastsg elsg elNumber=Sing Case=ElaPl Elapartidest, majadestpl elpl elNumber=Plur Case=Ela
Sg All pardile, majalesg allsg allNumber=Sing Case=AllPl Allpartidele, majadelepl allpl allNumber=Plur Case=All
Sg Ade pardil, majalsg adesg adNumber=Sing Case=AdePl Adepartidel, majadelpl adepl adNumber=Plur Case=Ade
Sg Abl pardilt, majaltsg ablsg ablNumber=Sing Case=AblPl Ablpartidelt, majadeltpl ablpl ablNumber=Plur Case=Abl
Sg Tra pardiks, majakssg trsg trNumber=Sing Case=TraPl Trapartideks, majadekspl trpl trNumber=Plur Case=Tra
Sg Trm pardini, majanisg tersg termNumber=Sing Case=TerPl Trmpartideni, majadenipl terpl termNumber=Plur Case=Ter
Sg Ess pardina, majanasg essg esNumber=Sing Case=EssPl Esspartidena, majadenapl espl esNumber=Plur Case=Ess
Sg Abe pardita, majatasg absg abesNumber=Sing Case=AbePl Abepartideta, majadetapl abpl abesNumber=Plur Case=Abe
Sg Com pardiga, majagasg komsg komNumber=Sing Case=ComPl Compartidega, majadegapl kompl komNumber=Plur Case=Com


Grammatical categories

In UD, Mood= always entails VerbForm=Fin

GT, giellalt CGUD
tegumood ||| voice
Pers isikuline personalpsVoice=Act
Impers umbisikuline impersonalimps Voice=Pass
aeg ||| tense
Prs olevik presentpres Tense=Pres
Prt minevik past (i.e. not present)impf, past Tense=Past
kõneviis ||| mood
Ind kindel indicativeindic Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin
Cond tingiv conditionalcond Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin
Imprt käskiv (kasutatav ka möönvas tähenduses) imperative / jussiveimper Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin
Quot kaudne quotativequot Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin
arv ||| number
Sg ainsus singularsg Number=Sing
Pl mitmus pluralpl Number=Plur
isik ||| person
1 1. isik 1st personps1 Person=1
2 2. isik 2nd personps2 Person=2
3 3. isik 3rd personps3 Person=3
kõneliik ||| polarity
Aff jaatav kõne affirmativeaf
Neg eitav kõne negativeneg Polarity=Neg; Connegative=Yes
infiniitsed (nn käänduvad) verbivormid ||| infinite forms
Sup ma-tegevusnimi supine (ma-infinitive)sup VerbForm=Sup
Inf da-tegevusnimi infinitive (da-infinitive)infVerbForm=Inf
Ger des-vorm gerund gerVerbForm=Conv
Prc kesksõna participleparticVerbForm=Part

This system of categories does not extend to complex forms of the predicate like olen elanud, olin elanud, oleksin elanud, ei olnud elanud, ei olnuks elanud, olgu elatud etc., if they were taken as single units. All the individual words are covered, though.


The following table presents the full paradigm for verbs, i.e. all the possible bundles of grammatical category values that are representable as wordforms. (The forms of ära and pole are listed for the completeness of the set of possible combinations.)

Numbers denote homonymous slots of the paradigm.

NB! In UD, the present participles are not part of the verb paradigm; they are ADJ with some features specific to verbs only.

Asterisk (*) denotes combinations of categories which are represented by wordforms that are neither reckognized nor generated by tools that follow the GT or giellalt system.

GT, giellaltexample FSCGUD
Inf eladada infVerbForm=Inf
Ger eladesdes gerVerbForm=Conv
Pers Sup Ill elama ma sup ps illVoice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Ill
Pers Sup Ine elamasmas sup ps inVoice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Ine
Pers Sup Ela elamastmast sup ps elVoice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Ela
Pers Sup Tra elamaksmaks sup ps trVoice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Tra
Pers Sup Abe elamatamata sup ps abesVoice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Abe
Pers Prs Ind Sg1 Affelan n indic pres ps1 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1
Pers Prs Ind Sg2 Affelad d indic pres ps2 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2
Pers Prs Ind Sg3 Affelab b indic pres ps3 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=3
Pers Prs Ind Pl1 Affelame me indic pres ps1 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1
Pers Prs Ind Pl2 Affelate te indic pres ps2 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2
Pers Prs Ind Pl3 Affelavadvad indic pres ps3 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3
Pers Prs Ind Neg ela (1)o indic pres ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Cond Sg1 Aff elaksinksin cond pres ps1 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1
Pers Prs Cond Sg2 Aff elaksid (2)ksid cond pres ps2 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2
Pers Prs Condelaks ks cond pres ps[1, 2, 3] [sg, pl] ps af;
cond pres ps neg
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Cond Pl1 Aff elaksimeksime cond pres ps1 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1
Pers Prs Cond Pl2 Aff elaksiteksite cond pres ps2 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2
Pers Prs Cond Pl3 Aff elaksid (2)ksid cond pres ps3 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3
Pers Prs Imprt Sg2 ela (1)o imper pres ps2 sg ps [af, neg]Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2;
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Imprt elagu gu imper pres ps3 [sg, pl] ps [af, neg]Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Imprt Pl1 elagemgem imper pres ps1 pl ps [af, neg]Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1;
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Imprt Pl2 elage ge imper pres ps2 pl ps [af, neg]Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2;
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Quot elavatvat quot pres ps [af, neg]Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prs Prc elavv partic pres psVoice=Act Tense=Pres VerbForm=Part ADJ Degree=Pos Number=Sing Case=Nom
Pers Prt Ind Sg1 Aff elasinsin indic impf ps1 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1
Pers Prt Ind Sg2 Aff elasid (3)sid indic impf ps2 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2
Pers Prt Ind Sg3 Aff elas s indic impf ps3 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=3
Pers Prt Ind Pl1 Aff elasimesime indic impf ps1 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1
Pers Prt Ind Pl2 Aff elasitesite indic impf ps2 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2
Pers Prt Ind Pl3 Aff elasid (3)sid indic impf ps3 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3
Pers Prt Ind Negelanud (4)nud indic impf ps negVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prt Cond Sg1 Aff elanuksinnuksin cond past ps1 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1
Pers Prt Cond Sg2 Aff elanuksid (5)nuksid cond past ps2 sg ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2
Pers Prt Cond elanuksnuks cond past ps[1, 2, 3] [sg, pl] ps af;
cond past ps neg
Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prt Cond Pl1 Aff elanuksimenuksime cond past ps1 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1
Pers Prt Cond Pl2 Aff elanuksitenuksite cond past ps2 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2
Pers Prt Cond Pl3 Aff elanuksid (5)nuksid cond past ps3 pl ps afVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3
Pers Prt Imprt *elanud (4)------
Pers Prt Quot elanuvatnuvat quot past ps [af, neg]Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Pers Prt Prcelanud (4)nud partic past psVoice=Act Tense=Past VerbForm=Part
Impers Sup elatamatama sup impsVoice=Pass VerbForm=Sup
Impers Prs Ind Aff elataksetakse indic pres imps afVoice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin
Impers Prs Ind Neg elatata indic pres imps negVoice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Impers Prs Cond elatakstaks cond pres imps [af, neg]Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Impers Prs Imprt elatagutagu imper pres imps [af, neg]Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Impers Prs Quot elatavattavat quot pres imps [af, neg]Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Impers Prs Prc elatavtav partic pres impsVoice=Pass Tense=Pres VerbForm=Part ADJ Degree=Pos Number=Sing Case=Nom
Impers Prt Ind Aff elati ti indic impf imps afVoice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin
Impers Prt Ind Neg elatud (6)tud indic impf imps negVoice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Impers Prt Cond elatukstuks cond past imps [af, neg]Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin;
Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes
Impers Prt Quot* elatuvattuvat quot past imps [af, neg]--
Impers Prt Prc elatud (6)tud partic past impsVoice=Pass Tense=Past VerbForm=Part
exceptional forms of auxiliary verbs pole (=ei+ole) and ära
Pers Prs Ind Neg poleneg o indic pres ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Cond Sg1 Neg poleksin----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Cond Sg2 Neg poleksid (2)----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Cond Negpoleksneg ks cond pres ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Cond Pl1 Neg poleksime----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Cond Pl2 Neg poleksite----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Cond Pl3 Neg poleksid (2)----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Imprt Sg2 Neg äraneg o imper pres ps2 sg ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Imprt Neg ärguneg gu imper pres ps3 [sg, pl] ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=[Sing, Plur] Person=3 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Imprt Pl1 Neg ärgemneg gem imper pres ps1 pl ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Imprt Pl1 Neg ärmeneg me imper pres ps1 pl ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Imprt Pl2 Neg ärgeneg ge imper pres ps2 pl ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prs Quot Negpolevatneg vat quot pres ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Ind Negpolnud neg nud indic impf ps negVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Cond Sg1 Neg polnuksin----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Cond Sg2 Neg polnuksid (5)----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Cond Neg polnuksneg nuks cond past ps negVoice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Cond Pl1 Neg polnuksime----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Cond Pl2 Neg polnuksite----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Cond Pl3 Neg polnuksid (5)----Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 Polarity=Neg
Pers Prt Imprt Neg ärnud------
Pers Prt Quot Neg polnuvat-- quot past ps negVoice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Impers Prs Ind Neg polda neg da indic pres imps negVoice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Yes
Impers Prs Cond Neg poldaks----Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Impers Prs Imprt Neg ärdagu------
Impers Prs Quot Neg poldavat----Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
Impers Prt Ind Neg poldud neg tud indic impf imps negVoice=Pass Tense=Past VerbForm=Part Polarity=Neg
Impers Prt Cond Neg polduks----Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg
single exceptional forms
Pers Prs kuulukse,
tunnukse, näikse
NULLafTense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin
Neg ei neg negPolarity=Neg

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