Various different systems of morpho-syntactic categories are used for Estonian. There are two reasons for this: first, a linguist may prefer a certain grammatical tradition, which in turn may be tied to the traditions of concrete "model" languages, and which may change over time; and second, the language used in a corpus may force one to modify the system of categories: to add new ones or to give up theoretical distinctions which are hard to maintain in practice.
The following systems will be considered below:
Square brackets in the CG and UD columns denote category values that are in free variation.
In addition to morphosyntactic categories, UD has also categories for other phenomena:
Parts of speech and morphological/lexical features are formally independent in UD. For example, if a word is part of a named entity, then its part-of-speech tag might be PROPN, while other features remain unchanged, e.g. Teine (the Second) might be PROPN NumForm=Word NumType=Ord
part of speech | sub-type | example | FS, GT | CG | giellalt | UD |
adjective | positive | kallis, eht | A | A pos | A | ADJ Degree=Pos |
adjective | comparative | laiem | C | A comp | A Comp | ADJ Degree=Cmp |
adjective | superlative | pikim | U | A super | A Superl | ADJ Degree=Sup |
noun | common | asi | S | S Com | N | NOUN |
noun | proper | Edgar | H | S prop | N Prop | PROPN |
adverb | kõrvuti | D | D | Adv | ADV | |
interjection | tere | I | I | Interj | INTJ | |
conjunction | coordinating | ja | J | J crd | CC | CCONJ |
conjunction | subordinating | et | J | J sub | CS | SCONJ |
adposition | preposition | enne | K | K pre | Adp | ADP AdpType=Prep |
adposition | postposition | kaudu | K | K post | Adp | ADP AdpType=Post |
numeral | cardinal | kaks | N | N card | Num Card | NUM NumType=[Card, Frac, Range] |
numeral | ordinal | teine | O | N ord | Num Ord | ADJ NumType=Ord |
pronoun | personal | tema | P | P pers | Pron | PRON PronType=Prs Person=[1,2,3] |
pronoun | demonstartive | selline | P | P dem | Pron | PRON PronType=Dem |
pronoun | indefinite | mingi | P | P indef | Pron | PRON PronType=Ind |
pronoun | possessiiv | oma | P | P pos | Pron | PRON PronType=Prs Poss=Yes |
pronoun | interrogative | milline | P | P inter | Pron | PRON PronType=Int |
pronoun | siduv | kumb | P | P rel | Pron | PRON PronType=Rel |
pronoun | reflexive | ise | P | P refl | Pron | PRON PronType=Prs Reflex=Yes |
pronoun | reciprocal | teineteise | P | P rec | Pron | PRON PronType=Rcp Reflex=Yes |
pronoun | determinal | emb-kumb | P | P det | Pron | PRON PronType=Tot |
verb | main | lugema | V | V main | V | VERB |
verb | auxiliary | olema | V | V aux | V | AUX |
verb | modal | saama | V | V mod | V | AUX |
genitive atribute 1 | dooria | G | G | N Sg Gen | NOUN Number=Sing Case=Gen | |
determiner | see | P | P [dem, indef, det, inter, rel] | Pron | DET PronType=[Dem, Ind, Tot, Int, Rel] | |
specific to "Väike vormisõnastik" | ||||||
verb particle 2 | plehku | X | X | Adv | ADV | |
for corpus tagging | ||||||
acronym | USA | Y | Y nominal | ACR | [PROPN, NOUN] Abbr=Yes | |
abbreviation | a, nn, jne, vt | Y | Y nominal | ABBR | [NOUN, ADJ, ADV, VERB] Abbr=Yes | |
punctuation | clause boundary | , | Z | Z | CLB | PUNCT |
punctuation | left of the pairwise | ( | Z | Z | PUNCT LEFT | PUNCT |
punctuation | right of the pairwise | ) | Z | Z | PUNCT RIGHT | PUNCT |
punctuation | - | Z | Z | PUNCT | PUNCT | |
symbol 3 | @ | Y | Y nominal | N Symbol | SYM | |
symbol 3 | | Y | Y nominal | N Symbol | SYM Abbr=Yes | |
emoticon 4 | :-) | Y, Z | Z | N Symbol | SYM | |
unanalyzable 5 | (%¤¤(/ | #### | T | X | ||
specific to (net)speak corpora | ||||||
sentence particle | sry, vä | B | PART | |||
word piece | -sid | Q | X | |||
emoticon 4 | :-) | E | SYM |
1 Genitive attribute is a proper noun in the genitive case that is written in lowercase, because it has generalized into representing a type or kind, e.g. dooria (sammas).
2 Verb particle is a non-verbal constituent of a multi-word verb, having no part-of-speech tag in "Väike vormisõnastik", e.g. luuslanki (lööma)
3 Symbol is a single non-alpha-numerical character or character sequence that acts as a syntactic constituent in a sentence.
4 Emoticons are handled inconsistently by different taggers and in corpora.
5 A word may be unanalyzable because of foreign language, sequence of symbols, typo etc.
Corpus tagging usually involves separating punctuation marks from the words and giving them analyses of their own. Usually punctuation marks do not get individual special category names, but CG singles out the following ones:
mark | example | tag |
ellips | ... | Ell |
short ellips | .. | Els |
dot | . | Fst |
comma | , | Com |
colon | : | Col |
semicolon | ; | Scl |
question mark | ? | Int |
exclamation mark | ! | Exc |
dash | -- | Dsd |
opening parenthesis | ( | Opr |
closing parenthesis | ) | Cpr |
quotation mark | " | Quo |
opening quotation mark | « | Oqu |
closing quotation mark | » | Cqu |
smaller than | < | Grt |
greater than | > | Sml |
opening square bracket | [ | Osq |
closing square bracket | ] | Csq |
GT, giellalt | FS | CG | UD | ||
arv ||| number | |||||
Sg | ainsus | singular | sg | sg | Number=Sing |
Pl | mitmus | plural | pl | pl | Number=Plur |
kääne ||| case | |||||
Nom | nimetav | nominative | n | nom | Case=Nom |
Gen | omastav | genitive | g | gen | Case=Gen |
Par | osastav | partitive | p | part | Case=Par |
Ill | sisseütlev | illative | ill | ill | Case=Ill |
suunduv (lühike sisseütlev) | additive | adt | adit | Case=Add | |
Ine | seesütlev | inessive | in | in | Case=Ine |
Ela | seestütlev | elative | el | el | Case=Ela |
All | alaleütlev | allative | all | all | Case=All |
Ade | alalütlev | adessive | ade | ad | Case=Ade |
Abl | alaltütlev | ablative | abl | abl | Case=Abl |
Tra | saav | translative | tr | tr | Case=Tra |
Trm | rajav | terminative | ter | term | Case=Ter |
Ess | olev | essive | es | es | Case=Ess |
Abe | ilmaütlev | abessive | ab | abes | Case=Abe |
Com | kaasaütlev | comitative | kom | kom | Case=Com |
GT, giellalt | example | FS | CG | UD | GT, giellalt | example | FS | CG | UD |
Sg Nom | part, maja | sg n | sg nom | Number=Sing Case=Nom | Pl Nom | pardid, majad | pl n | pl nom | Number=Plur Case=Nom |
Sg Gen | pardi, maja | sg g | sg gen | Number=Sing Case=Gen | Pl Gen | partide, majade | pl g | pl gen | Number=Plur Case=Gen |
Sg Par | parti, maja | sg p | sg part | Number=Sing Case=Par | Pl Par | parte, maju | pl p | pl part | Number=Plur Case=Par |
Sg Ill | parti, majja | adt | sg adit | Number=Sing Case=Add | |||||
Sg Ill | pardisse, majasse | sg ill | sg ill | Number=Sing Case=Ill | Pl Ill | partidesse, majadesse | pl ill | pl ill | Number=Plur Case=Ill |
Sg Ine | pardis, majas | sg in | sg in | Number=Sing Case=Ine | Pl Ine | partides, majades | pl in | pl in | Number=Plur Case=Ine |
Sg Ela | pardist, majast | sg el | sg el | Number=Sing Case=Ela | Pl Ela | partidest, majadest | pl el | pl el | Number=Plur Case=Ela |
Sg All | pardile, majale | sg all | sg all | Number=Sing Case=All | Pl All | partidele, majadele | pl all | pl all | Number=Plur Case=All |
Sg Ade | pardil, majal | sg ade | sg ad | Number=Sing Case=Ade | Pl Ade | partidel, majadel | pl ade | pl ad | Number=Plur Case=Ade |
Sg Abl | pardilt, majalt | sg abl | sg abl | Number=Sing Case=Abl | Pl Abl | partidelt, majadelt | pl abl | pl abl | Number=Plur Case=Abl |
Sg Tra | pardiks, majaks | sg tr | sg tr | Number=Sing Case=Tra | Pl Tra | partideks, majadeks | pl tr | pl tr | Number=Plur Case=Tra |
Sg Trm | pardini, majani | sg ter | sg term | Number=Sing Case=Ter | Pl Trm | partideni, majadeni | pl ter | pl term | Number=Plur Case=Ter |
Sg Ess | pardina, majana | sg es | sg es | Number=Sing Case=Ess | Pl Ess | partidena, majadena | pl es | pl es | Number=Plur Case=Ess |
Sg Abe | pardita, majata | sg ab | sg abes | Number=Sing Case=Abe | Pl Abe | partideta, majadeta | pl ab | pl abes | Number=Plur Case=Abe |
Sg Com | pardiga, majaga | sg kom | sg kom | Number=Sing Case=Com | Pl Com | partidega, majadega | pl kom | pl kom | Number=Plur Case=Com |
In UD, Mood= always entails VerbForm=Fin
GT, giellalt | CG | UD | ||
tegumood ||| voice | ||||
Pers | isikuline | personal | ps | Voice=Act |
Impers | umbisikuline | impersonal | imps | Voice=Pass |
aeg ||| tense | ||||
Prs | olevik | present | pres | Tense=Pres |
Prt | minevik | past (i.e. not present) | impf, past | Tense=Past |
kõneviis ||| mood | ||||
Ind | kindel | indicative | indic | Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin |
Cond | tingiv | conditional | cond | Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin |
Imprt | käskiv (kasutatav ka möönvas tähenduses) | imperative / jussive | imper | Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin |
Quot | kaudne | quotative | quot | Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin |
arv ||| number | ||||
Sg | ainsus | singular | sg | Number=Sing |
Pl | mitmus | plural | pl | Number=Plur |
isik ||| person | ||||
1 | 1. isik | 1st person | ps1 | Person=1 |
2 | 2. isik | 2nd person | ps2 | Person=2 |
3 | 3. isik | 3rd person | ps3 | Person=3 |
kõneliik ||| polarity | ||||
Aff | jaatav kõne | affirmative | af | |
Neg | eitav kõne | negative | neg | Polarity=Neg; Connegative=Yes |
infiniitsed (nn käänduvad) verbivormid ||| infinite forms | ||||
Sup | ma-tegevusnimi | supine (ma-infinitive) | sup | VerbForm=Sup |
Inf | da-tegevusnimi | infinitive (da-infinitive) | inf | VerbForm=Inf |
Ger | des-vorm | gerund | ger | VerbForm=Conv |
Prc | kesksõna | participle | partic | VerbForm=Part |
This system of categories does not extend to complex forms of the predicate like olen elanud, olin elanud, oleksin elanud, ei olnud elanud, ei olnuks elanud, olgu elatud etc., if they were taken as single units. All the individual words are covered, though.
The following table presents the full paradigm for verbs, i.e. all the possible bundles of grammatical category values that are representable as wordforms. (The forms of ära and pole are listed for the completeness of the set of possible combinations.)
Numbers denote homonymous slots of the paradigm.
NB! In UD, the present participles are not part of the verb paradigm; they are ADJ with some features specific to verbs only.
Asterisk (*) denotes combinations of categories which are represented by wordforms that are neither reckognized nor generated by tools that follow the GT or giellalt system.
GT, giellalt | example | FS | CG | UD |
Inf | elada | da | inf | VerbForm=Inf |
Ger | elades | des | ger | VerbForm=Conv |
Pers Sup Ill | elama | ma | sup ps ill | Voice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Ill |
Pers Sup Ine | elamas | mas | sup ps in | Voice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Ine |
Pers Sup Ela | elamast | mast | sup ps el | Voice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Ela |
Pers Sup Tra | elamaks | maks | sup ps tr | Voice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Tra |
Pers Sup Abe | elamata | mata | sup ps abes | Voice=Act VerbForm=Sup Case=Abe |
Pers Prs Ind Sg1 Aff | elan | n | indic pres ps1 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 |
Pers Prs Ind Sg2 Aff | elad | d | indic pres ps2 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 |
Pers Prs Ind Sg3 Aff | elab | b | indic pres ps3 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=3 |
Pers Prs Ind Pl1 Aff | elame | me | indic pres ps1 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 |
Pers Prs Ind Pl2 Aff | elate | te | indic pres ps2 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 |
Pers Prs Ind Pl3 Aff | elavad | vad | indic pres ps3 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 |
Pers Prs Ind Neg | ela (1) | o | indic pres ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Cond Sg1 Aff | elaksin | ksin | cond pres ps1 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 |
Pers Prs Cond Sg2 Aff | elaksid (2) | ksid | cond pres ps2 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 |
Pers Prs Cond | elaks | ks | cond pres ps[1, 2, 3] [sg, pl] ps af; cond pres ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Cond Pl1 Aff | elaksime | ksime | cond pres ps1 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 |
Pers Prs Cond Pl2 Aff | elaksite | ksite | cond pres ps2 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 |
Pers Prs Cond Pl3 Aff | elaksid (2) | ksid | cond pres ps3 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 |
Pers Prs Imprt Sg2 | ela (1) | o | imper pres ps2 sg ps [af, neg] | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2; Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Imprt | elagu | gu | imper pres ps3 [sg, pl] ps [af, neg] | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Imprt Pl1 | elagem | gem | imper pres ps1 pl ps [af, neg] | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1; Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Imprt Pl2 | elage | ge | imper pres ps2 pl ps [af, neg] | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2; Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Quot | elavat | vat | quot pres ps [af, neg] | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prs Prc | elav | v | partic pres ps | Voice=Act Tense=Pres VerbForm=Part ADJ Degree=Pos Number=Sing Case=Nom |
Pers Prt Ind Sg1 Aff | elasin | sin | indic impf ps1 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 |
Pers Prt Ind Sg2 Aff | elasid (3) | sid | indic impf ps2 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 |
Pers Prt Ind Sg3 Aff | elas | s | indic impf ps3 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=3 |
Pers Prt Ind Pl1 Aff | elasime | sime | indic impf ps1 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 |
Pers Prt Ind Pl2 Aff | elasite | site | indic impf ps2 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 |
Pers Prt Ind Pl3 Aff | elasid (3) | sid | indic impf ps3 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 |
Pers Prt Ind Neg | elanud (4) | nud | indic impf ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prt Cond Sg1 Aff | elanuksin | nuksin | cond past ps1 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 |
Pers Prt Cond Sg2 Aff | elanuksid (5) | nuksid | cond past ps2 sg ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 |
Pers Prt Cond | elanuks | nuks | cond past ps[1, 2, 3] [sg, pl] ps af; cond past ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prt Cond Pl1 Aff | elanuksime | nuksime | cond past ps1 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 |
Pers Prt Cond Pl2 Aff | elanuksite | nuksite | cond past ps2 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 |
Pers Prt Cond Pl3 Aff | elanuksid (5) | nuksid | cond past ps3 pl ps af | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 |
Pers Prt Imprt * | elanud (4) | -- | -- | -- |
Pers Prt Quot | elanuvat | nuvat | quot past ps [af, neg] | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Pers Prt Prc | elanud (4) | nud | partic past ps | Voice=Act Tense=Past VerbForm=Part |
Impers Sup | elatama | tama | sup imps | Voice=Pass VerbForm=Sup |
Impers Prs Ind Aff | elatakse | takse | indic pres imps af | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin |
Impers Prs Ind Neg | elata | ta | indic pres imps neg | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Impers Prs Cond | elataks | taks | cond pres imps [af, neg] | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Impers Prs Imprt | elatagu | tagu | imper pres imps [af, neg] | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Impers Prs Quot | elatavat | tavat | quot pres imps [af, neg] | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Impers Prs Prc | elatav | tav | partic pres imps | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres VerbForm=Part ADJ Degree=Pos Number=Sing Case=Nom |
Impers Prt Ind Aff | elati | ti | indic impf imps af | Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin |
Impers Prt Ind Neg | elatud (6) | tud | indic impf imps neg | Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Impers Prt Cond | elatuks | tuks | cond past imps [af, neg] | Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin; Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Connegative=Yes |
Impers Prt Quot* | elatuvat | tuvat | quot past imps [af, neg] | -- |
Impers Prt Prc | elatud (6) | tud | partic past imps | Voice=Pass Tense=Past VerbForm=Part |
exceptional forms of auxiliary verbs pole (=ei+ole) and ära | ||||
Pers Prs Ind Neg | pole | neg o | indic pres ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Cond Sg1 Neg | poleksin | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Cond Sg2 Neg | poleksid (2) | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Cond Neg | poleks | neg ks | cond pres ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Cond Pl1 Neg | poleksime | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Cond Pl2 Neg | poleksite | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Cond Pl3 Neg | poleksid (2) | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Imprt Sg2 Neg | ära | neg o | imper pres ps2 sg ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Imprt Neg | ärgu | neg gu | imper pres ps3 [sg, pl] ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=[Sing, Plur] Person=3 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Imprt Pl1 Neg | ärgem | neg gem | imper pres ps1 pl ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Imprt Pl1 Neg | ärme | neg me | imper pres ps1 pl ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Imprt Pl2 Neg | ärge | neg ge | imper pres ps2 pl ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Imp VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prs Quot Neg | polevat | neg vat | quot pres ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Ind Neg | polnud | neg nud | indic impf ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Cond Sg1 Neg | polnuksin | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=1 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Cond Sg2 Neg | polnuksid (5) | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Sing Person=2 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Cond Neg | polnuks | neg nuks | cond past ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Cond Pl1 Neg | polnuksime | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=1 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Cond Pl2 Neg | polnuksite | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=2 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Cond Pl3 Neg | polnuksid (5) | -- | -- | Voice=Act Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Number=Plur Person=3 Polarity=Neg |
Pers Prt Imprt Neg | ärnud | -- | -- | -- |
Pers Prt Quot Neg | polnuvat | -- | quot past ps neg | Voice=Act Tense=Past Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Impers Prs Ind Neg | polda | neg da | indic pres imps neg | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Yes |
Impers Prs Cond Neg | poldaks | -- | -- | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Impers Prs Imprt Neg | ärdagu | -- | -- | -- |
Impers Prs Quot Neg | poldavat | -- | -- | Voice=Pass Tense=Pres Mood=Qot VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
Impers Prt Ind Neg | poldud | neg tud | indic impf imps neg | Voice=Pass Tense=Past VerbForm=Part Polarity=Neg |
Impers Prt Cond Neg | polduks | -- | -- | Voice=Pass Tense=Past Mood=Cnd VerbForm=Fin Polarity=Neg |
single exceptional forms | ||||
Pers Prs | kuulukse, tunnukse, näikse | NULL | af | Tense=Pres Mood=Ind VerbForm=Fin |
Neg | ei | neg | neg | Polarity=Neg |