You can select several corpora with Ctrl
1990s - newspapers [865 thousands]
1980s - newspapers (base) [175 thousands]
1970s - newspapers [168 thousands]
1960s - newspapers [201 thousands]
1950s - newspapers [66 thousands]
1930s - newspapers [117 thousands]
1910s - newspapers [182 thousands]
1900s - newspapers [171 thousands]
1890s - newspapers [193 thousands]
1990s - fiction (katkendid) [602 thousands]
1990s - fiction [5,6 millions]
1980s - fiction (base) [250 thousands]
1970s - fiction [257 thousands]
1960s - fiction [132 thousands]
1950s - fiction [242 thousands]
1930s - fiction [252 thousands]
1910s - fiction [247 thousands]
1900s - fiction [64 thousands]
1890s - fiction [155 thousands]
Additional context:
zero context
+1 sentence
+2 sentences
+3 sentences
+4 sentences
+5 sentences
Number of output sentences
10 sentences
20 sentences
50 sentences
100 sentences
1000 sentences
Output is separately scrollable