Tiit Hennoste
- E-mail:
- tiit.hennoste@ut.ee
- Birth date:
- August 12, 1953
- Position:
- Reseacher
- Research interests:
- text studies, spoken language
- Education:
- University of Tartu postgraduate studies 1982-85
- University of Tartu Estonian language 1976-82
- Spoken language of Estonian
- Introduction into text analysis
- Introduction into conversation analysis
Hennoste, T., M. Koit, K. Strandson,
A. Rääbis, M. Valdisoo, E. Vutt
Küsimuste ja direktiivide märgendamine
eestikeelsetes infodialoogides.
Toimiv keel II.
Töid rakenduslingvistika alalt.
Toim. M.-M. Sepper, J. Lepasaar.
TPÜ kirjastus,
lk. 138-154.
Gerassimenko, O., T. Hennoste,
M. Koit, A. Rääbis, K. Strandson,
M. Valdisoo, E. Vutt
Annotated Dialogue Corpus as a Language Resource:
An Experience of Building the Estonian
Dialogue Corpus.
Proceedings of the First Baltic Conference
Human Language Technologies: the Baltic Perspective,
April 21-22, 2004,
lk. 150-155.
Gerassimenko, O., T. Hennoste, M. Koit, A. Rääbis
Other-Initiated Self-Repairs in
Estonian Information Dialogues:
Solving Communication Problems in Cooperation.
Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop
on Discourse and Dialogue,
April 30 - May 1, 2004.
Ed-s M. Strube, C. Sidner.
lk. 39-42.
Hennoste, T., M. Koit, A. Rääbis,
K. Strandson, M. Valdisoo, E. Vutt
Directives in Estonian Information Dialogues.
Text, Speech and Dialogue.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference,
TSD 2003,
České Budějovice, Czech Republic,
September 8-12, 2003.
Ed-s V. Matoušek, P. Mautner.
lk. 406-411
Hennoste, T., M. Koit, A. Rääbis,
K. Strandson, M. Valdisoo, E. Vutt
Developing a Typology of Dialogue Acts:
Some Boundary Problems.
Proceedings of the 4th SIGdial Workshop on
Discourse and Dialogue,
Sapporo, Japan,
July 5-6, 2003,
lk. 226-235
Hennoste, T., M. Koit, A. Rääbis,
K. Strandson, M. Valdisoo, E. Vutt
Developing a Typology of Dialogue Acts:
Tagging Estonian Dialogue Corpus.
DiaBruck 2003.
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on the Semantics and
Pragmatics of Dialogue.
Ed-s I. Kruijff-Korbayová, C. Kosny
Saarland University,
lk. 181-182
Last modified: October 11 2018 13:49:38.